Category: Guide

Guide: How To Type In Japanese for Ubuntu 14

  1. Install The Japanese Language Input
    1. Open your “System Settings”
    2. From there, select and open “Language Support”
    3. Click the “Install/Remove Languages…” button found within Language Support.
    4. Then, select “Japanese”, and ensure the proper checkboxes are checked.
  2. Next, logout (or reboot, whichever you prefer).
  3. After logging in, open “System Settings” and then open “Text Input” from there.

    1. A Quick Side-Note: If you’re familiar with the Windows shortcut for switching languages, I would suggest changing it to the Alt+Shift L (left shift) as displayed in the screenshot below.
      As for the shortcut for switching between Hiragana and Katakana, my advice is to simply type in Hiragana, then press the F7 Key.
      This will convert the Hiragana you entered into Katakana easily (for Windows or Linux).Actual Step: The next step however, is to simply click the + symbol to add a new language input.
    2. A list of languages will appear, select the option “Japanese (Anthy)” and click the Add button.
    3. From there you should be ready to go!


Guide: Running Multiple WordPress blogs with Multiple Domains

Guide: Running Multiple WordPress blogs with Multiple Domains

This guide is intended to set up a WordPress installation that allows for multiple WordPress blogs to be hosted on a single server, and for the WordPress blogs to be hosted by different domain names (not JUST sub-domains!)

For example (aka shameless plugs): (this site) (a talented web designer)

This guide will allow for BOTH of those domains to point to separate WordPress sites within a WordPress site network.
Running on a single web server install, and single database install!
As well as allow for a network administrator (a super admin) to be able to monitor and administer both sites if necessary.

Forewarning Guide Notes:
This guide is targeted towards a WordPress 4.x.x install running on Apache and using MySQL

However, this guide may very well be adaptable to other forms of WordPress install (version 3.x.x will still be required, but might(?) very well work on other web server installations)

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MeteorJS Notes

This guide is primarily for my own personal use but may help others who have a similar setup(?).

Meteor Server

  • Starting the server on (a specific port, like 3000 (default), 3001, or 80)
    meteor --port 80
  • If having issues starting up:
    • make sure that the Firewall allows you to listen on that port
    • Make sure that nobody else is already using that port
    • Might need to run
      • $ ps aux
      • kill ##### (PID)
      • of anything that is related to meteor from your own username
      • Also note that port 80 requires sudo

GUIDE: Granting RW (Read/Write) Access to /var/www

The best way to share access to the /var/www directory is to assign it a group, and place the user(s) within that group.
The default group for apache uses for Ubuntu/Debian is www-data.

To add user(s) to the www-data group use:

sudo usermod -a -G www-data <some_user>

Then set the correct permissions on /var/www
This will grant read/write access for the group, recursively as well.

sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www
sudo chmod -R g+w /var/www

Make the directory and all directories below it “set GID”, so that all new files and directories created under /var/www are owned by the www-data group.

sudo find /var/www -type d -exec chmod 2775 {} \;    

This finds all files in /var/www and sets read/write permission for owner and group:

sudo find /var/www -type f -exec chmod ug+rw {} \;

Note: You might have to log out and log back in to be able to make changes if you’re editing permission for your own account.
