I discovered through trial-and-error and then finally from a response on a forum that the pacman -S skype won’t work for installing Skype these days since it’s too old and outdated. (Or something along those lines)

Instead, download the snapshot file from here: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/skypeforlinux/

Extract the files to a folder.

CD into the directory and then: (NOT using sudo) Run:

$makepkg -si

This will make everything, install dependencies, make the package, install the package.

Source: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_User_Repository

Installing packages

Installing packages from the AUR is a relatively simple process.

  1. Acquire the build files, including the PKGBUILD and possibly other required files, like systemd units and patches (often not the actual code).
  2. Verify that the PKGBUILD and accompanying files are not malicious or untrustworthy.
  3. Run makepkg -si in the directory where the files are saved. This will download the code, resolve the dependencies with pacman, compile it, package it, and install the package.