Today I reviewed two topics that I felt I was pretty fuzzy on and wanted to blog about for the sake of notekeeping.

The first is the: General Japanese Sentence Arrangement

Topic Frequency Time Goal Verb
私は よく 七時ごろ うちへ 帰ります。

(Page 93 of Genki 1: Second Edition Textbook)

The second is the use of へ particle and how it can be used where に has been used by myself as a default.

Review: に is used to refer to a goal of movement (location, time).
に is used for days, and time 時 but not for RELATIVE time like ごろ for example.

へ pronounced “e” (not “he”) is used to indicate the goal of movement similar to に.
However, へ can only replace に in use of ACTUAL goal of movement. So it CANNOT be used to indicate time like に can be used.

When in doubt, use に of course, but using へ can help improve fluency with the language.

(Pages 90-92 of Genki 1: Second Edition Textbook)